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OpenBSD Mailing List Server
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = who[-short][-bounce][-noname] listname [pattern] who[-short][-bounce][-noname] GLOBAL [pattern] who-alias GLOBAL [pattern] who-common[-short][-enhanced][-export][-bounce] listname listname [pattern] who-common-alias GLOBAL listname [pattern] who-enhanced[-short] listname [pattern] who-enhanced[-short] GLOBAL [pattern] who-export listname [pattern] who-export GLOBAL [pattern] who-summary listname [pattern] who-summary GLOBAL [pattern] who-owners GLOBAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - listname, required, is an email list at this site (or the word "GLOBAL") -alias, if specified, produces commands needed to recreate the alias database -bounce, if specified, shows only addresses with bounces -common, if specified, shows addresses that appear on both lists -enhanced, if specified, displays personal settings each subscriber -export, if specified, produces commands needed to recreate the list -noname, if specified, omits subscribers' names -owners, if specified, shows the addresses of list owners and their lists -short, if specified, displays a simple list of e-mail addresses -summary, if specified, displays a statistical summary of subscriptions pattern, if specified, is an address matching string = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The who command displays a list of some or all of the subscribers of a mailing list. Access to this command may be restricted by the list administrators. If a pattern is supplied, only addresses which match the pattern will be shown. Please see "help patterns" for an introduction to Majordomo patterns. If a pattern is not supplied, all subscribers will be listed. The "short" command mode will cause any extra formatting, such as a count of the number of addresses found, to be removed from the beginning and end of the list of subscribers. The "noname" command mode will cause only the e-mail address of each subscriber to be displayed. Names and other comments that accompany each address will not be shown. Command Modes for List Administrators Several modes of the who command require an administrative password. If the "enhanced" command mode is specified, additional information will be provided about each subscriber in the list. If the list name is GLOBAL, the mailing lists in which the subscriber participates will be shown. For any other list name, the subscriber flags and delivery class (each, digest, nomail) will be shown in the result. The subscriber flags are presented in an abbreviated form, with one letter for each flag that is set, according to the following table: Letter Setting Name d ackdeny f ackpost j ackreject b ackstall C eliminatecc h hideaddress H hideall N hidepost O postblock P prefix R replyto W rewritefrom S selfcopy Please see "help set" for an explanation of each setting. The "export" command mode will cause the subscriber list to be displayed as a collection of Majordomo commands which can be used to recreate the subscriber list, including all of the settings for each subscription. For the GLOBAL pseudo-list, export mode causes a group of "register" commands to be displayed. For regular lists, export mode shows a bunch of subscribe and set commands. If "enhanced" or "export" mode is used without an administrative password, information about the settings will not be displayed. If "bounce" mode is specified, only those addresses that have experienced delivery failures will be shown. Refer to "help configset_bounce_max_age" for additional information on bounce processing (including other commands related to bounces). If "GLOBAL" is used as the list name, the registry information is returned instead of information from a specific list. There are three exceptions to this rule. If a sublist is named, subscriber data for the sublist are shown. If the "owners" command mode is used, the addresses are taken from the "owners" configuration setting for each mailing list, instead of the registry. If the "alias" command mode is used, the addresses are taken from the GLOBAL aliases database (see "help alias" for more information about aliases.) The "who-common" command displays addresses that appear on two different mailing lists. The data shown with the addresses, if "enhanced" mode is used, are only relevant to the first of the two lists. This feature is useful for viewing the registration data for people subscribed to a particular list: who-common-enhanced GLOBAL LISTNAME or the aliases for one list's subscribers: who-common-alias GLOBAL LISTNAME (A valid mailing list name should be substituted for LISTNAME.) The "who-summary" command will display a summary of statistics. For the GLOBAL pseudo-list, the number of subscribers of each mailing list that has subscribers will be displayed. In addition, the number of registered addresses with no subscriptions will be displayed for the (fictitious) "NONE" list. In the context of a single list, the number of subscribers in each delivery class will be displayed (see "help set" for a description of delivery classes.) The "who-owners GLOBAL" command will display the addresses of all list owners within a domain, and a list of the mailing lists maintained by each list owner. The GLOBAL:owners auxiliary list is automatically updated by this command. Once this occurs, a site or domain manager can contact every list owner with the announce command. List owners can also view addresses in collections called "auxiliary subscriber lists" (see "help auxiliary_list" for more details.) The "short" command mode can be used for administrative changes in a pipe. For example, the following shell command: mj_shell -p PASSWORD who-short LISTNAME \ | mj_shell -p PASSWORD -f - set LISTNAME eliminatecc can be used to alter the subscription options of all list subscribers. (This shell command has the same effect as the following Majordomo command: approve PASSWORD set-pattern-allmatching LISTNAME eliminatecc ALL In these commands, substitute an administrative password for PASSWORD and the name of a mailing list for LISTNAME. See "help set" and "help mj_shell" for more details.) If the who command is accessible to list members or to the public, individual list members can hide their addresses and names from other list members or the public. See the descriptions of the "hideall" and "hideaddress" flags in the "help set" document for more details. See Also: help alias (creates the aliases shown by the "who-alias" command) help announce (to mail a file to all members of an auxiliary list) help auxiliary_list (which is used to manage a set of addresses) help configset_access_rules (to restrict use of the who command) help configset_bounce_max_age (to force bounces to expire) help configset_who_access (to restrict use of the who command) help patterns (for simple and complex regular expressions) help set (for details on subscription flags and classes) help show (for information about a given subscriber) help which (for all lists a given subscriber is on) This is the "who" help document for Majordomo 2, version 0.1201103110. For a list of all help documents, send the following command: help topics in the body of a message to
For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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