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OpenBSD Mailing List Server
NOTE: 'sub' is the same as 'subscribe' Text below is from "help subscribe": = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = subscribe[-nowelcome][-welcome] listname [address] subscribe-set[-nowelcome][-welcome] listname setting[,setting,...] [address] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - address, if specified, is an email address not previously subscribed listname, required, is the name of a list at this site -nowelcome, if specified, suppresses the new subscriber message(s) -welcome, if specified, distributes the new subscriber message(s) -set, if specified, changes the settings for the new subscription setting, if specified, is a personal setting (see "help set" for details) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The "subscribe" command adds an "address" to the named list. Unless the command is "approve"d in advance, a confirmation token may be sent to the given "address" (based on the subscribe_policy or the access_rules settings for "listname") to verify this action, and must be replied to with an "accept" command before the subscription is done. To subscribe to the LISTNAME email broadcast list at this site, as simply as possible, send this one-line message to subscribe LISTNAME replacing "LISTNAME" with the name of the list. If the address you wish to subscribe to the list is different from the address from which you are sending the message, the command may be written instead as: subscribe LISTNAME EmailAddress replacing "EmailAddress" with the address you want to subscribe to the list. In some cases, confirmation from the new subscriber is required. A message with "CONFIRM" in the subject line is sent to the new subscriber's address. The confirmation message contains instructions for confirming the subscription (using the "accept" command). The first time an address is subscribed to a list at this site, an entry in the registration database is created for that address, and a personal password is assigned. Only one password is assigned to a given address, regardless of the number of subscriptions. Using the "approve" command with the personal password will usually allow you to avoid the confirmation process (see "help approve" and "help password" for more details.) List owners can use their list's administrative password to avoid the confirmation process. Unless the "-nowelcome" option is used, Majordomo will send a message to "address" with an explanation of how to leave the list. Each list owner can decide how many files, if any, new subscribers will receive. Some lists may be configured such that a welcome message is not sent automatically (see "help configset_welcome" for an explanation.) In this case, using the "-welcome" mode will cause the welcome files to be sent. The "-set" mode is used to initialize the settings for a new subscription (see "help set" for a description of the different settings.) For example, if you wish to receive the messages posted to the list in a digest, use this command: subscribe-set LISTNAME digest More than one setting can be specified by joining the settings with commas, for instance: subscribe-set LISTNAME digest,noreplyto If for some reason you wish to have the mailings go to a different address (a friend's address, a specific other system on which you have an account, or an address which is more correct than the one that automatically appears in the "From:" header on the mail you send), you would add that address to the command. The confirmation would then be sent to that address. The reason that many lists require additional confirmation is that it is in general impossible to verify that the address being subscribed to the list is indeed the person who sent the request. This fact is frequently exploited to forge subscription requests which result in hassles for the victim and all of the list owners. By sending a message to the subscriber address and requiring a valid reply the abuse is limited to the single confirmation message; the victim does not have to go through the hassle of being removed from the list. In addition, Majordomo2 stores information about the source of the forged requests and if a rejection is sent in response to the confirmation message, this stored information is automatically forwarded to various responsible parties. The address need not be a simple email address. Comment fields are preserved in the registration database. These are all valid addresses: Joe Blow <> "Joe Blow 555-1212" (Joe Blow) Note that registering with a name or other comment field is not required, but it may help a site administrator find your address in the event you need help later. The name or comment portion must be enclosed in quotes if it contains certain characters like periods or other puncutation. In addition, other technically illegal addresses can be used but only if the site administrator has enabled them. See these help files for details: help configset_addr_allow_at_in_phrase help configset_addr_allow_bang_paths help configset_addr_allow_comments_after_route help configset_addr_allow_ending_dot Upon subscribing, you should (unless you specified otherwise) receive an introductory message containing list policies and features. Save this message for future reference; it will also contain exact directions for unsubscribing. If you lose the intro mail and would like another copy of the policies, send this message to info LISTNAME (substituting, of course, the real name of your list for "LISTNAME"). If a subscriber changes from one email address to another, it is not necessary to unregister and re-subscribe to all the lists. The "changeaddr" command can update the registry and subscriber databases all at one time. List owners can subscribe more than one address to a mailing list using a "here document" or "here file" (see "help here_document" for a description of here files.) For example, to subscribe the addresses and to a list, the owner could use the following command: subscribe LISTNAME <<ABC ABC List owners can also add addresses to a collection called an "auxiliary subscriber list" (see "help auxiliary_list" for more details.) Welcome messages are never sent when an address is added to an auxiliary list. Every Majordomo command supports five administrative command modes. These modes are: noinform - Do not mail a notice to the list owners. nolog - Do not record this command in the log. nomessage - Do not mail the results if the "default user" command has been used. See "help default" for more information. quiet - Do not send a notice if the command is delayed. rule - Act as if the "access_password_override" configuration setting were turned off. The noinform, nolog, nomessage, and rule modes require the use of an administrative password. For more details, see the "Administrative command modes" section of the "help admin_commands" document. See Also: help accept (which is used to confirm subscriptions) help access_variables help admin_subscribers help approve (authentication to avoid the confirmation process) help auxiliary_list (which is used to manage a set of addresses) help changeaddr (which replaces one address with another) help configset_welcome (determines if welcome messages are sent) help configset_welcome_files (determines which welcome messages are sent) help here_document help password (which changes an individual's password) help register (which registers, and creates a password for, an address) help unregister (which removes an address from all lists) help unsubscribe (which removes an address from just one list) This is the "sub" help document for Majordomo 2, version 0.1201103110. For a list of all help documents, send the following command: help topics in the body of a message to
For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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