Introduction Confirm New Request Show Brief Details Show Full Details

OpenBSD Mailing List Server
request confirmation

Type a token identifier into the box. A token identifier is a combination of 12 letters and numbers with intervening dashes, for example:


Then press one of the three buttons.

Press the tokeninfo button to see full details about the Majordomo command or posted message that is awaiting your approval.
Press the accept button to approve the Majordomo command or posted message that is awaiting your approval.
Press the reject button to discard the Majordomo command or posted message that is awaiting your approval.

Once the accept or reject button is pressed, the token identifier for the command or posted message will immediately become invalid. Do not press the accept or reject button more than once.

Click the Introduction link at the top or bottom of the page to get detailed instructions.

For assistance, contact the administrators.
Introduction Confirm New Request Show Brief Details Show Full Details